Supporting a bereaved child

Bereaved children and young people may experience a range of intense feelings - sadness, anger, confusion, numbness, guilt, helplessness, loneliness and other feelings depending on their age and circumstances. Whatever their age children need to hear the news that someone has died as soon as possible and to have their questions answered. They may want to know why this has happened and what will happen now, in a way that they can easily understand and which reassures them about the future.

A bereaved child needs the love, care and understanding of their family and friends and others in their lives, but they still need routine and boundaries such as regular meal times and bedtimes, and to be able to continue with the activities and interests they previously enjoyed.

Please download our resource below for more information on how you can support a bereaved child or young person through the process of loss and grief.

You can also visit out Child and Young People's Bereavement page here for more information on supporting a bereaved child.