Complexities of Supportive and End of Life Care

Further details

The 20 credit Complexities of Supportive and End of Life care module, available at level 6 or level 7, is designed to provide you with detailed knowledge and understanding of the principles of supportive and end of life care, and how societal attitudes to death and dying may impact on the provision of that care. It also seeks to equip you with an awareness of a wide variety of issues within the context of end of life care.

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge about socio-political attitudes to death and dying and recognise potential impact on the provision of care.
  • Critically evaluate the aims and principles of supportive and end of life care and how they underpin working with dying people and their carers.
  • Critically evaluate the impact of loss and change for individuals with life threatening illness and their families and carers.
  • Synthesise a range of evidence relating to therapeutic interventions for the complex biopsychosocial needs of individuals experiencing life threatening illness.
  • Explore the ethical and legal issues that inform complex decision-making.
  • Critically appraise communication skills and support mechanisms required to respond effectively to the needs of dying people their families and carers.
  • Critically appraise the role of multi-professional working in relation to the care of dying people, their families and carers.
Course details

The module will use a variety of approaches, which may include classroom-based sessions, facilitated discussions, experiential learning, video analysis and tutorial.

Theoretical learning will be facilitated through face-to-face study days which sit alongside a final assessment in the form of a 3,000 word essay designed to get you to critically reflect on a significant issue you have encountered in practice.

Course content

The syllabus will typically cover:

  • Contextual issues to include societal attitudes to death, dying and end of life care.
  • Policy directives and government guidance
  • Holistic assessment and personalised care and management of pain and common symptoms.
  • Holistic and personalised assessment of emotional, social and spiritual needs of individuals and their families and carers to include the impact of life limiting and life-threatening illness, responding to loss and change including grief and bereavement, issues related body image, sexuality and spiritual and religious needs.
  • The challenges and benefits of communication to include the skills to support open and honest communication, responding to emotional distress and sharing significant news.
  • Ethical and professional Issues to include the application of ethical principles and decision-making in supportive end of life care.
  • Working with diversity and difference, and multi-professional working in health and social care.