
Buy tickets

Join us on Sunday 2 March 2024 for our annual Hellebores Open Garden event!

By fundraising for us today and standing together with us in the face of adversity, you can help protect vital core services now and into the future. Help us ensure those facing death in our community can continue to do so with the specialist support they deserve. 

Spring garden display

Our Hellebores Open Garden is hosted at Kapunda – a gorgeous location with 2-acre gardens! Head on down and take in the stunning spring displays, as seen on BBC Gardeners World. It’s the perfect setting for an early spring stroll!

Entry cost

Entry is £7.00, which supports us with our delivery of personalised palliative and end of life care across Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES), and parts of Somerset and Wiltshire.

Parking will be available and there will be tea, coffee and cake for you to enjoy, along with the opportunity to purchase these beautiful Hellebore plants yourself.